Sunday, January 24, 2010

God's Providence

So I signed up for a step study to help me recover from alcoholism. Needless to say I had no idea how much I would need it and need these women to walk with me through so much more than just not drinking. It is NOT coincidence, but God....
- that I struggled with an addiction to alcohol which led me to find Celebrate Recovery and that my husband eventually came and joined a step study which led to him confessing.
-had me in a step study and my leader would be a Godly women who has walked through a broken marriage, because of her husband's sexual addiction, and their marriage has fully been restored.
-that her husband is my husband's sponsor.
-that she is now my sponsor.
-that this all came to light after 3 months of sobreity, a perfect time to start a WHOLE new life in every way.
-that the holidays were after that which meant I was very busy and there was some relief of not thinking about it 24/7.
-that I am an alcoholic and can go to an AA meeting for a daily reprive of my emtions and have a tremendous support group and a multitude of people who pray daily for me.
His hand in it all. The timing.... It is all Him, and may He use our story for His glory.

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